Immediate Byte Pro

Sandy Illusions

©Arthur Scheijde Visual ORG. Banner Sandy Illusions 17 KLEIN

Our oceans and seas reveal the illusions of the desert of the sea. To see and to-not-be-seen is what drives survival below the surface!

To see and to be seen is what drives people these days. To see and to-not-be-seen is what drives survival below the surface. The sands of the seabed provide protection. Camouflage is the key to a world of illusions under water. What is actually over there? What do you really see? This engaging play of perception is the theme of this new short under water film. In Sandy Illusions the Spanish Costa Brava reveals thHofvijver DH Watermark ©Marcel van der Hulst-2-KLEINe illusions of the desert of the sea.

Gezien en gezien worden is wat mensen tegenwoordig bezighoudt. Zien en niet-gezien-worden is hoe onderwaterdieren overleven. De zanderige bodem van de zee biedt bescherming. Camouflage zorgt voor een wereld van illusies onder het wateroppervlak. Wat schuilt daarachter? Wat zie je werkelijk? Dit spel van perceptie is het thema van deze nieuwe korte onderwaterfilm. De Spaanse Costa Brava onthult in Sandy Illusions de begoochelingen van de zeewoestijn.

De korte onderwaternatuurdocumentaire Sandy Illusions heeft nationaal & internationaal prijzen gewonnen en nominaties op filmfestivals wereldwijd.

Best runner-up Documentary at ‘The Hague Global Cinema Festival 2020’ 

Official selection ‘Ireland Wildlife Film Festival’

Official selection ‘Wildlife Conservation Film Festival New York’

Recensie by -Scott Blum, chief judge of The Hague Global Cinema Festival-

“This is a good film. A very, very good film. From the moment Sandy illusions starts, we know it will be something special. Of course, we’ve already all seen underwater filming before, but this film is different.

As the film states, the big blue is packed with animals hiding in plain sight. This is a film showing us what is living and hiding under water. With crystal clear narration to explain further what is going on below the surface.

The film is incredible. How do the film makers patiently find and then beautifully film creatures? Sandy Illusions is a treat. “It’s a mesmerizing film that needs to be watched in wonder and awe.”




TEAM: Robert Hughan, Arthur Scheijde, Robert Rosier, Olivier Nijs, Marcel van der Hulst en Stanley Quarré.
© Arthur Scheijde_Sandy Illusions